BigARTM Developer’s Guide¶
These pages describe the development process of BigARTM library. If your intent to use BigARTM as a typical user, please proceed to Installation for Windows users or Installation for Linux and Mac OS-X users, depending on your operating system. If you intent is to contribute to the development BigARTM, please proceed to the links below.
- Downloads (Windows)
- Source code
- Build C++ code on Windows
- Python code on Windows
- Compiling .proto files on Windows
- Working with iPython notebooks remotely
- Build C++ code on Linux
- Creating New Regularizer
- Code style
- Release new version
- Messages
- DoubleArray
- FloatArray
- BoolArray
- IntArray
- Item
- Field
- Batch
- Stream
- MasterComponentConfig
- ModelConfig
- RegularizerConfig
- SmoothSparseThetaConfig
- SmoothSparsePhiConfig
- DecorrelatorPhiConfig
- LabelRegularizationPhiConfig
- RegularizerInternalState
- DictionaryConfig
- DictionaryEntry
- ScoreConfig
- ScoreData
- PerplexityScoreConfig
- PerplexityScore
- SparsityThetaScoreConfig
- SparsityThetaScore
- SparsityPhiScoreConfig
- SparsityPhiScore
- ItemsProcessedScoreConfig
- ItemsProcessedScore
- TopTokensScoreConfig
- TopTokensScore
- ThetaSnippetScoreConfig
- ThetaSnippetScore
- TopicKernelScoreConfig
- TopicKernelScore
- TopicModel
- ThetaMatrix
- CollectionParserConfig
- SynchronizeModelArgs
- InitializeModelArgs
- GetTopicModelArgs
- GetThetaMatrixArgs
- GetScoreValueArgs
- AddBatchArgs
- InvokeIterationArgs
- WaitIdleArgs
- ExportModelArgs
- ImportModelArgs